You are here: Advanced > Administration > Server > IntraVUE File System > The File

The File

This file is located in the autoip folder of IntraVUE, normally ...\program files\intravue\autoip ( ) .

Each of the parameters that can be set in this file contains a description of the parameter and a sample line showing the default value. These are shown as comment lines in the file. THE FILE IS MEANT TO BE SELF DOCUMENTING.

Comment lines start with a '#' character and have no effect.

This file typically contains configuration items that are not normally changed by IntraVUE users or administrators. It is usually only changed after consultation with IntraVUE Technical Support.

Open the file with notepad or wordpad to view the various options or to make changes.

Note: When upgrading to new versions of IntraVUE, this file will be updated for any NEW configuration items. Any settings already applied will not be changed. The new items will be set to their default states.



5 - Five backups each having the last six hours with one minute resolution data guaranteeing you have access to 24 hours worth of one minute data


Sets the default first label for each device.