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IntraVUE Architecture

The IntraVUE™ Architecture:


IntraVUE is a network Visualization, Documentation, Diagnostics, and Analytics platform for current and future needs of IIoT (Industrial IoT), and Industrie 4.0.

Installed as a web server application, IntraVUE helps bridge the gap between end-point devices and any user (IT/OT) by using an internet browser to view remotely the status of any piece of equipment with an IP address.

IntraVUE continuously monitors a device's performance and alerts you about potential end-device problems, provides IIoT and Industrie 4.0 aware users with relevant on-demand network-wide site layout diagrams, and generates self-serve uptime performance Analytics reports about the health of your IIoT, and Industrie 4.0 devices to quickly help you restore productivity and uptime.

IntraVUE with its new re-designed user interface in HTML 5 continually scans your entire network(s) for new devices, and immediately updates the user interface and event log information when a device has disconnected, or experiences problems. This dynamic ability is enhanced when IntraVUE Agents are used to visualize remote areas of your IIoT, and Industrie 4.0 infrastructure.

IntraVUE Components:

IntraVUE is made up of several distinct and integrated components:

A simplistic view of theIntraVUE™ server and client (browser).


Network Scanner Continuously monitors the configured networks checking for device disconnections, new devices added, and threshold data from SNMP MIB data fields. The scan engine uses Ping and ARP to detect the presence of devices and SNMP to get information about the hierarchy of the network. This information is stored in the database.
Relational Database (Maria DBl) This is the area in which both scanned information, administrator configurations, and events are stored.
Other Services Auto-IPAutomatic Private IP Addressing also known as APIPA or Auto IP is a method of automatically assigning IP addresses to networked computers and printers. Service is an automatic, enhanced BootPThe Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) is a computer networking protocol used in Internet Protocol networks to automatically assign an IP address to network devices from a configuration server. The BOOTP was originally defined in RFC 951. server which works in conjunction with IntraVUE. Auto-IP is installed in demo mode if not purchased. KPIs Reports and Dashboards are two additional services.
Web Server (Tomcat) Provides the framework for hosting and accessing the user interface content.
User Interface The browser utilizes a visualization methodology that allows a very complex network to be displayed on a single screen. This visualization is integrated into the user interface and sent to the Client device. The user interface t is updated on a periodic basis to allow the most current information to be displayed on any client browser.